Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Show me the Science! Show me the Results! Don't show me Photoshop!

I thought I would share some photos of real customers that have used our anti-aging skincare line with Glissandrin™.

There is always controversy when people look at before and after photos. This is because of the explosion of photos on the internet and company websites and ad campaigns that are obviously photoshopped or altered in some way.

They just are not believable. Let's take a look at a post on the BFT website.

I mean really, do you believe this isn't photoshopped?

How about this one - I mean seriously! No wonder nobody believes before and after photos!

So how do you show a before and after photo and have people believe they are real?

First, I believe that a selfie is much more believable than a professional photo. A photo you take of yourself with your smartphone is much more likely to be real.

Second, make sure the public, yes YOU, can see who the person really is. YOU can see they are not an actor or stock photo. I am sure we all have seen examples of the same before and after photo being used in different ad campaigns for different companies! How do you accomplish this? Simple. Put a link to the person's Social Media page so you can see they are a real person. Someone you can connect with and even pick up the phone and speak to.

Third, I believe the best before and after photo is your own photo. If you don't see personal results, how can you convince others how effective the product is.

Having said that, here are my own photos. I just took a photo today, which marks just over 9 months of using Glissandra on a daily basis. I'm a guy...I'm a bit lazy and I only use it on average once a day in the mornings. You can find my LinkedIn profile at:

Let me share a couple of recent after photos taken on July 11th. I was there with Susan and Ron when the photos were taken and I helped them upload their before and after photos to their LinkedIn profile. 

This is Susan Brillon and her LinkedIn profile can be found at:

Here is Ron Borse and his LinkedIn profile can be found at

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